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Archbishop Hoban High School

Archbishop Hoban High School

Market: Education
Location: Cleveland, Ohio


Their existing system was outdated and was incapable of integrating with new technology.


A two-phase plan was designed to get control of their heating and cooling systems including equipment replacement.

A Closer Look

Archbishop Hoban High School had an outdated building system causing building maintenance costs to skyrocket.  They contact our Cleveland office to help design a two-phase solution that included getting control of their heating systems and replacing boilers and pumps.  The second phase consisted of adding eighty-five (85) unit ventilators to classrooms and creating a stand-alone DDC control system.  By optimizing their system, not only were savings in cost and energy reduced but a more positive learning environment was created for employees and students.  Since this original design, we have subsequently added an additional ten (10) security cameras for safety purposes. In addition, we added a DVR giving school administrators the ability to review areas including the main entrance and front of the gym.  With a large peripheral view of their campus, they are able to monitor all activities and ensure the safety of their campus.